NEET Botany Questions: Ecosystem

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Question bank:

Population of which of the following will be highest in the foodchain?

System resulting from interaction of all the knownliving factors and populaton of all the species of a unit area is...

System resulting frominteraction of all the knownliving factors and populaton of all the species of a unit area is…

Which of the following is the correct statement for food chain?

In which of the following wheat eating pigeons included ?

Who is primary consumer of biotic community?

which of the following option is correct for storage place phosphorus and nitrogen respectively ?

It is correct for ecosystem

What is the original source ofenergy for the living organisms ?

The functional efficiency of ecosystem is effected when decomposers are removed from it, because..

From which of the following detritus food chain will start ?

At Each trophic level, in which formenergyis lost ?

Which Source of eutrophication is the modern source of phosphorus ?

It helps in absorbtion of phosphorous ?

In a day, How many times an individual inspire and expire (breathing) ?