NEET Physics Questions: Measurement

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Question bank:

Physics is one of the basic disciplines in the category of.......... sciences.

‘Physics’ comes from a ............... word meaning nature

Mechanics and newton’s motion laws as ............... laws depended.

The scope for ratio of length is in order to ...............

The range of time scale is about

Birth, evolution and death of stars etc. are studied in branch of physics known as

............... is a branch of physics in which heat engine and refrigeratior efficiency is studied

What is full name of LHC

The range of mass varies from ...............

Length of Galaxies is in order of ...............

The approximate value of charge of an electron is ...............

The universe is made up of ...............

Nucleus of molecule is made up of which fundamental constituents ?

In the development of nanotechnology and biotechnology ............... have played a vital role.

What is full form of AFM ?