NEET Zoology Questions: Animal Husbandry and Plant Breeding

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Question bank:

The cow contain 250 kg weight produce how much protein per day

Cattle keepers are in centre position in dairy industry because

Where Imperial Research Institute is located ?

Who is known as the father of modern bee science?

Which sentence is not proper for the uses of single cell protein?

Which substance is twice amount of in maize hybrids?

Write full form of IARI

Callus is obtained during which time in tissue culture?

In which method rotary shaker is used ?

Which methos can be used for hybrid plantlet of interspecific ?

The hybridization to obtain higher level of protein and minerals is

The plant tissue or organ that produce callus by division is called

In which plant the seeds do not contain stored food?

Which statement is true for the researches carried out at the IVRI

Through plant tissue culture growing the cell, tissue and organ in culture medium is called