NEET Preparation Tips 2021 – Do Not Ignore These 3 Points

NEET Preparation Tips 2021

Here are some NEET preparation tips for 2021. The three points we are discussing below are very important and you should mentally note them down.

Every chapter has a weightage

It is obvious that each and every topic is important for NEET preparation but not equally. If you look at the pattern of your exam, you will know the fact that there are certain topics that demand more attention and some less attention. It would boost your preparation drastically if you identify those topics and give time to them based on their weightage.

So basically you should distribute your time and concentration as per the weightage, not as per your convenience.

Plan practically

There is a saying that Rome was not built in a day. It means great cities take time to build brick by brick. People slowly come to these cities and start living there. Similarly, you cannot master a subject overnight.

You have to spend time daily minute by minute hour by hour to master and score high in any chapter or subject. For that you need to make a habit of studying daily. To know more about how to divide your day into different study slots, read our excellent post on time management.

Use smartphone wisely

Smartphones are like double-edged swords. They can help you and they can destroy you. So you must be careful with smartphones.

It is quite easy to get distracted by social media or other internet stuff. So rather than scrolling feeds, spend time practicng MCQs, reading notes and concepts. Even you can listen to NCERT audio books. Yes, NEETshala provides NCERT audio books.

NEETshala also provides flash cards, weekly plans and customized tests. So there is no limit to how well you can use your smartphone to score more in NEET.

Friends, I hope these three tips will help you in your preparation. Do not ignore them if you want to score more and get a good rank in NEET 2021. All the best!

4 thoughts on “NEET Preparation Tips 2021 – Do Not Ignore These 3 Points”

  1. Superb tips .Tq for your help and tq for your tips and tq very much for your guidance .Neetshala is the best app for each and every NEET aspirants.

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