Dear NEET aspirants, in this article, we will see how you can customize NEET question bank on NEETshala and also how easily and quickly you can access the question bank.
NEETshala has more than 26000 questions for NEET aspirants. Click here to access the quesion bank.
You can practice these questions subjectwise or chapterwise. For example, if you are studying class 11, you can select chapters related to class 11 to practice questions. Similarly if you want to practice only Physics, you can select chapters only from Physics. There are no restrictions to the number of subjects chapters you can select. You can select one subject or one chapter or mulitple subjects and multiple chapters. It is complely your convenience and comformatble level.
When you visit the question bank the next day, again you do not have to select the chapters manually for the practice. You can continue the practice of MCQs from the same chapters you selected previous day. All you have to do when you select the chapters first time is just select the button “Save and Select”. This button will save your selected chapters so that you can practice questions any time from those chapers. Refer below image to get some idea.

Of course, you can reselect chapters any time. All you need to do is click on “Reselect” button as shown in below image.

Is it really convenient and cool to customize your question bank and at the same time access it easily and quickly? We love to hear your feedback on this. Let us know how useful this feature is to you and what else we can do for you to improve your preparation level.
You can cccess NEETshala’s question bank here.
Your Questions bank are just gorgeous ❤️